Association for Education and Health in Central America

About Us

We are an Association of hope, working together with the people of Central America as partners to build a lasting relationship through education while building healthy living conditions. We have great hope that a different future is possible. We hope that by working together that all participants will be transformed personally and help to make the world a better place.

We have a board of directors responsible for legal organizational governance, ensuring that we operate ethically and with fiscal responsibility.


Our vision is to plant the seed of knowledge through education, nurture that seed so that it grows and spreads, and develops into healthy and prosperous communities throughout Central America.

AEHCA logo

AEHCA history

Our CEO traveled with the Cedar Ridge Community Church to Ipala Guatemala in 2018 for the first time. He was stunned to see the living conditions that the people there were living in. His heart ached for what he saw and he talked with the leadership of CRCC about it on his return trip in 2019. From these two visits AEHCA was formed.

In March 2020, AEHCA was approved as a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. In our first year, we worked closely with CRCC as a partner in their activities. We had our first fundraiser December 2, 2020 on Giving Tuesday. And then there came a pandemic.

In 2021, AEHCA established an advanced scholarship program. Initially providing 5 students a Scholarship to attend college. We provided Food three times to those suffering because of the Covid-19 pandemic, and we purchased desks for one school so that their students didn’t have to sit on the floor.

Our Logo

Is a symbol of healthy activity for equal but diverse people working together in partnership while focusing on a foundation of education.

AEHCA logo